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Love is...

Writer's picture: harrietbremnerharrietbremner

I wrote this for a friends wedding while I was walking through a forest somewhere in Europe...

Love is.

Love is the pounding of your heart as their presence comes closer.

Love is.

Love is the cheeky grin across the room making you feel as though no one else ever existed.

Love is.

Love is the first smile in the morning sunrise and the last goodnight as the sky darkens.

Love is.

Love is individual, it is unique and it is your own love.

Love is.

Love is passion, fear, compassion, being overwhelmed and challenged.

Love is.

Love is the ability to share ones feelings, thoughts, passions, desires and memories.

Love is.

Love is a full current speeding past making you work to get safely to the other side.

Love is.

Love is the soft whisper in the trees, you feel it's presence wrapped gently around you and know its always close by.

Love is.

Love is not an entitlement but a gift from the person who holds the richness of it in their heart.

Love is special. It is true. It is the connection that no one else can break. Love is amazing and you're so lucky it happened to you.

And lastly love is special beyond life and you my friends have a life filled with love so treasure this journey before you, attack the cross roads ahead together and you will find a path paved  to direct you into your future.

Love is.

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