The 'Think Safe Brain' Campaign is for Rural Schools around New Zealand where whole communities celebrate everything rural while teaching critical practical lessons about health, safety and well-being.
Aimed at flipping health and safety on its head to focus on practicality and using children to advocate for changes in behaviours, we aim to ensure that everyone goes home alive at the end of every single day.
From firearms with New Zealand Police to using real fire extinguishers; around 300 children, farmers, teachers and more will walk away with a whole new perspective and a set of our books to take home from each day we run.
With our industry facing challenging times and losing too many farmers, it is vital that we do something practical to make sure our people stay safe.
Safety should be something that is not an added extra but something we do that makes sense and because we care. Let's stop, think and create an environment where staying safe is engaging and fun.
To make these days possible we require sponsorship to send a set of books home to each family to ensure that life-saving messages get taken into the home and out onto the farm.
This sponsorship helps to run the whole day and your company gets to be an integral part of supporting saving lives.
If you are a company/individual that wishes to be involved in this unique community project, please enquire below!

We are so excited to work with a range of people throughout the country including New Zealand Police, Firewatch, Fire and Emergency, Rural Support Trust, Farmstrong, FMG, St John, Beef and Lamb New Zealand, Local Contractors, Rural Schools, Power Companies, Farmers and local communities to make these days successful!